Adrienne Papp
Oh, the latest is: if they misplace your cash card, or it is lost, or stolen, you are advised to go to the authorities for lost or stolen cash. Free People will not track their own payment methods for you even if you paid with that very same cash card and you have a balance left. They deny it! They call it "cash" and it is your responsibility to keep your "cash." On top of not helping you out and tracing their own transactions, they will ban you for life from shopping online with Free People or any other store related to them, which they listed as the following: "Urban Outfitters, Inc. brands. This includes Urban Outfitters, Anthropology, Free People, BHLDN and Terrain." _ quote. I do not even know these stores, but this is what they told me after spending tens of thousands of dollars with them....there is even a cancer story, but they could not care less even though there is a "movement" --- it is a lie!!!....It is not only about the money, and NOT caring about your health one inch, but it's kind of Stalin. They will keep your CASH any way they can, not ship you the items you paid for and deny responsibility. That is what happened to me word by word, trackable. The purchased and paid for items get delivered and then taken out of your hands and shipped back to their warehouse. During all this time, this is what happens: from you placing the order, - to returning by means of their STALIN ORDER, - to their warehouse, and seeing it in their computers, they keep your cash. This takes weeks. They steal from you: Your cash is tied up for weeks: be ready for that!!!! They also do not admit to anything.Their employees can hang up on you even when they do not even know how to answer your question, meaning: they diminish you....after thousands of dollars spent every year they treat you like an insect. You do NOT exist! I do see now they have a serious accounting crises internal problem that they translate to you, which has nothing to do with you! I have been placing orders since 2014 and they treat me and everyone else like garbage!!!! There is no kindness and there is no "Free People Movement" - there is hostility, anger and disgrace against you. Even if your entire life is dedicated to them! I am not even sure if what they do is legal? They go through all this despite the fact that I probably bought more clothes from them than most people! Including a wedding dress. If that was not enough: they went thru all this just because I wanted to locate my free people "gift card," which they consider CASH and EVEN IF YOU PAID WITH THAT CASH CARD they cannot locate it and you lose your remaining balance ( positive cash on it) forever. AND, you are the bad guy!!! That cash card is what they give you when you return an item over 30 days. And, if none of the above is enough: they ban you from buying from them again DESPITE THE FACT THAT YOU SIMPLY JUST ASKED "WHERE IS MY CASH? I WOULD LIKE TO USE IT!" And, THAT IS THEIR FREE MOVEMENT? They hurt me more than anyone in my life! I have been very faithful and committed to this company and I bought and bought in order to get myself thru cancer. And, for all that commitment I get banned, just because I wanted to use my remaining amount of about $ 70 on a cash card that they gave me once I returned an item. And, now they are threatening me with everything they can master up!!!! What kind of a company is this? What is their mission with treating me, and anyone else like this? Why cannot they track their own payments ( I paid with my cash card already for two orders in their store so they must know the card number that they used for a payment!) and they hold you not only liable but they will never allow you to buy from them again They ship what you ordered but they just hold your money Is that even allowed? How can they prevent you from spending your money any way you want? How can they "label" you and discriminate against you especially when you are their best customer? And being their best customer admittedly is now used against you? And they do this to a cancer survivor?